I started as a company driver for 15 years and saved the money up to buy a truck and lease it to a big corporation. I spent five years learning the ropes of Owner-operator and also learned how the big corporation was getting rich off of my hard work. It was eye-opening. So I saved up my operating capital to buy my own authority and go into business for myself.
After running a successful one-man carrier operation I decided to start helping other Owner-operators by leasing them on under my authority but with a different business model. My focus is on complete transparency and no fees, unlike all the other carriers that focus on their own bottom-line profits and getting rich off of someone else's hard work.
This is what separates Ghorley Trucking from the rest - complete freedom to go where you want and when you want and the power to negotiate your own rate.
We provide you with all the tools necessary to exceed and be successful.
- Tim Ghorley